Fight Off Swollen Legs and Achy Feet

If you're a 56 year old traveler like me, then you probably  suffer from swollen legs and feet during or after your long flight.
Besides the embarrassing look of having "cankles" all of a sudden, it can be painful and tiring just to walk to baggage claim.
Once, I had half my Europe trip ruined because the swelling would not go away for days after we landed. I had to rest in the hotel room while my family went out and had fun, without me.

I've tried elevating my legs but it never seemed to work

Well after that awful experience. I vowed to never let swollen ankles ruin my family trios ever again. So what did I do? I set up a coffee date with my friend Susan, who's worked as a flight attendant for 9 years. I pleaded for her help. "Susan, you gotta help me," I said, "My feet and ankles swell up like water balloons every time I fly. You've been flying almost everyday for the last decade. How do you handle this problem!
"Oh, that's an easy one. I never board any flight without wearing a pair of compression socks.
"Compression socks? Like my 95 year old grandma wears?" I asked
Susan laughed, "Yes but they are also perfect for traveling because they hug your legs and feet to "milk" your blood back to your heart and prevent swelling. When you sit down for long periods of time, your fluids pool in your feet and that's what causes those areas to puff up. Even though I'm walking up and down the aisle a lot, I still wear them to eliminate all risk of blood clots while flying." "blood clots? I was scared.
"Yes. It's a scary thing called 'economy class syndrome' that can happen if you sit for a long time, and you're not wearing compression socks. Even if you stretch your feet, roll your ankles and walk around, it may not be enough because you're sitting in a cramped space for so long."In fact, once I saw a young and healthy looking gentleman go into a full stroke right in the middle of a flight!"
It was horrible and traumatizing since there was nothing we could do. After he passed, doctors confirmed he suffered deep vein thrombosis (DVT) which are blood clots In his legs. After that, I've been giving my friends and family Booms compression socks as gifts every year!"
Show Me The Socks

My flight attendant friend told me she never steps on a plane without compression socks

If I hadn't heard about these travel socks from a veteran flight attendant, I would have never believed that compression on my feet may be the secret fitting my feet back into my shoes after flying.

I Was Stunned At How Popular These Socks Were!

I needed to try a pair of these magical socks. As soon as I got home. I went online to do a bit of research. These compression socks are no joke! They’re very popular among frequent flyers, including pilots.
During my extensive research, I discovered even more health benefits of the Booms brand she mentioned.

Stops swelling during long trips

Not only do Booms sock reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (which can happen to anyone who sits for a long time - even if you're perfectly healthy), they relieve swollen legs and feet. Booms does this by "milking" out fluids and toxins that can get trapped in your feet, while bringing our blood back Into your heart.
Swollen and painful feet from flying is exactly what ruined my last trip. And apparently, hot weather can increase swelling as well for those who are vulnerable. So this seems like the exact solution I'm looking for.

Completely safe and natural

My biggest concern was safety. I was worried they might be too tight, and wanted to make sure it wouldn't have any negative side effects. Through my research, I discovered that compression socks have been around since the medieval ages, when knights would wrap their legs in bandages before going Into battle.
I also found out that even the Greek physician Hippocrates ("The Father of Western Medicine") used to treat patients with compression bandages.
These days, a lot of runners (including professional athletes) wear compression socks to improve recovery time and prevent injuries.
Show Me The Socks

Helps with edema and varicose veins

By improving your blood flow, Booms can help prevent edema and spider veins. A 2018 study also found wearing compression socks helped reduce aches and pains associated with varicose veins. I don't have any varicose veins yet thankfully, but my mother and her sisters all got them in their mid 50's. If this could prevent those ugly veins, then this would be worth it alone.

A 2018 study also found weaning compression socks helped reduce aches and pains associated with varicose veins

Reduces frequent trips to the bathroom

Okay this is kind of a weird and embarrassing one, but it struck a chord with me. Ever since I turned 45, I had to start going to the toilet at least two (sometimes three) times every night. I later found out this was caused by fluid build up in my legs during the day, that my body tried to push out at night. I found lots of stories of Booms helping cure people of annoying frequent nightly urination.

Fights fatigue so you have more energy

I noticed a lot of people praising Booms Socks because not only did they stop their feet and legs from swelling up during a flight, it gave them more energy in their feet after they landed. People who would normally feel fatigued after a long 7-hour trip suddenly became "energized" and "invigorated" in their feet thanks to these socks.

Improves poor circulation problems like chronic fatigue, sickness

I even read a review from a man who claimed these socks improved his circulation so much, he stopped getting sick, his cuts started healing faster and he has no more "afternoon crashes" at work.

Anti microbial so your feet don't get stinky

What separates Booms from other brands of compression socks (including the cheap ones you find at Walgreens) is they're made with copper-infused fibers. Copper is antimicrobial so your feet don't smell and get all sweaty. You also don't have to worry about germs when you take your shoes off going through TSA security.
I've always been insecure about taking my shoes off during a long flight, even though my feetsometimes hurt like hell trom all the swelling. With Booms, travelers are commenting they couldcomfortably take their shoes off during flights without worry of disturbing other passengers with the smell.

Booms has created a huge following in the USA. Here are a few of their incredible customer reviews:

"Not Just For The Elderly - Instantly Relieved My Swollen Feet"

"I always thought compression socks were for the elderly, but they've helped me a TON during my pregnancy. I never would have guessed the pain and swelling I would get from being pregnant. These socks were a complete game changer. I have to stand on my feet for over 9 hours a day at work. The pain used to be unbearable. Below is a picture of what my feet looked like with Booms (right) and without using the socks(left). The difference is tremendous!'
Show Me The Socks

"Much Better Than Cheap Socks From Walgreens"

"To be honest, I thought these were stupid at first because I knew I could get them at my local Rite Aid for a cheaper price. But after going through multiple pairs in 2 weeks due to poor quality, I knew / had to invest in a better brand. So I purchased 2 pairs of Booms and I'm proud to call it "my best purchase in 2024"

Here's why: After wearing the Booms for just 1 night, I woke without foot pain for the first time in a long time! That's never happened with the Rite Aid brand. My feet haven't felt this good in a long time, even after injections for plantar fasciitis, as well as other treatments for this problem.

"Got Off My Flight Feeling Refreshed"

"I ordered these compression socks and they really are nice quality. I desperately needed them for travel because I always struggled with getting cankles after a long flight. I tried all the tricks - foot circles, walking down the aisles, stretching, etc. but nothing worked to stop my ankles from puffing up

"These Booms worked like a charm because for the first time ever. mv / hour trio to see my son in NY was a piece of cake. My legs and feet didn't swell up. I got off the plane feeling refreshed and ready to go - and I was sitting for 7 hours in economy class! I highly recommend them to all travelers or anyone who sits for a long time.'

"Works Even Better For Sitting All Day"

"I thought these were great when I first saw them, but didn't think I needed them because I didn'thave any trips coming up. Then I read more into blood clot risk from prolonged sitting and decided to get a pair for my desk job where I sit 8-9 hours a day.

I've tried several brands of compression sleeves to help fight fatigue and boost circulation andthese are by far the best! When I get off work, I feel like I'm ready to run a mile. It's true what they say about these "energizing" your feet! I highly recommend these to anyone who sits a lot during the day."

What Happened During My First Week Of Using Booms:

These socks seemed too good to be true. I thought it was too simple to actually work to keep down swelling during flights. I had a family trip to Europe coming up, so l gave it a shot and ordered a pair from the official Booms website.
Day 1:

I was very pleased with the packaging and quality of the socks when they arrived

Super-speedy delivery, which I always love! When I opened the package, I was pretty pleased with the quality of the socks. These were much higher quality than the ones at my local pharmacy. No wonder celebrities wear them when they travel.
It's black in color and not the most sexy. But no one will see them anyways. The material felt very high quality, like they could withstand heavy use. When I was ordering them, I was worried that they wouldn't feel fit my extra wide calves, or they would be hard to put on.
But it turns out they use a stretchy material (they call it " Memory Compression") that adapts to your feet, ankle, and leg width. This ensures you always get the right amount of compression, no matter how big or skinny your ankles are. They were very easy to slip on!
When I pulled them up my legs, I instantly felt like I was 90 years old (no offense to my dear grandmother). They were also really snug, and I was worried that they would cut off my circulation and leave me passed out on the floor. But after about 30 minutes, the Memory Compression material started working and I forgot I was even wearing them.
One downside about these socks is that they can be a tiny bit difficult to put on. I would suggest putting them on first thing in the morning. Don't wait until the middle of your flight because it might be a struggle. Wearing them first thing in the morning is better for your feet anyways.
I'm about to board my flight in 8 hours, so let's see how this goes!
Day 3:
My family and I landed in Spain about 4 hours ago and WOW! This was the best I've ever felt flying across the Atlantic. The total flight time was 15 hours, but it went by quickly because for the first time ever, I didn't feel miserable.
The socks made a huge difference in how my feet felt. It was my first long trip where I had no swelling at all! After we touched down in Barcelona airport, I walked to baggage claim with no pain and discomfort. In fact, I almost sprinted to get our bags because I had so much energy. My family was tired and lagging behind and thought I was a psycho.
Next, the true test. I got to our hotel and took the socks off, and to my disbelief, my legs and feet looked perfectly normal! Absolutely no swelling this time! And perhaps most surprising of all, my feet were very clean and didn't smell bad. I was expecting a swamp in there after such a long flight, but my feet looked (and felt) great!
These socks are truly miraculous.
Day 6:
I've been wearing my socks every day since we landed in Barcelona. They've helped my legs and feet stay energized and refreshed throughout the whole trip. Normally, I'm absolutely dead after a long day of walking and sightseeing. But since wearing Booms, I have the stamina to keep walking around the city after dinner. Meanwhile my family insists on going back to the hotel and getting more rest.
Oh I've been sleeping like a rock and not having to use the restroom multiple times at night!
I'm buying these for my husband and kids as soon as I get back.
Day 9:
We just landed back in Florida a few hours ago, and I must say - these socks really work! Again, no swollen ankles or feet on the flight back
My girlfriends commented how much younger and skinnier I looked since returning from Barcelona. Now I know it might just be all in my head, but I feel with all the walking and better circulation I've been getting thanks to Booms, my skin is looking clearer and my metabolism has improved.
I even went to the doctor to get a blood test, and it turns out my blood pressure is looking much better. I don't know if it was the food over in Spain, or the improved circulation from the socks, but either way, I'm thrilled.
I was so excited at these life-changing improvements, I ordered 12 more pairs of socks for all of my family and friends for Christmas.
Show Me The Socks

100% Money Back Guarantee

I absolutely love the Booms compression socks. They've been a lifesaver for my swollen ankles on long trips. And I think natural remedies for improving circulation are always better than blood thinners and other medications.
It's completely safe and my doctor told me the reason it's not more widespread is because the big Pharma companies are trying to keep this simple-yet-effective technology hidden from the public. These greedy companies want more Americans addicted to their pills!
I say try a pair of Booms yourself because there's nothing to lose. Booms has thousands of 5-star reviews, and is backed by 2 generous guarantees:
1. 100% No Risk Money Back Guarantee
Order Booms and wear them for a long trip, or just during your regular day. If at the end of your day, your feet are swollen, tired or achy, you'll get every single dime of your money back - no questions asked. You can even keep your socks! That's how confident they are these socks will keep you energized throughout the whole day.

Will Booms Work For You?

If you've read this far, then it seems you're strongly considering buying these socks for yourself or a loved one. You might be skeptical and doubtful they'll work for you. And to be honest, I felt the exact same way when I first saw these.
Just remember they are backed by two money-back guarantees so there is no risk. Try them and if you don't absolutely love them, you can get your money back - no questions asked. I'Il admit these are more expensive than the socks you'd find at CVS or Walgreens, but I can assure you the quality is much better and these will last longer.
Each pair of socks costs around $16.99 to $24.99 (depending on how many pairs you buy), which in my opinion is NOTHING compared to the relief from the discomfort and swelling you'll experience. I've already bought 15 pairs total for myself, and friends and family because they're that amazing.
Plus, the material they use is very soft, breathable and comfortable. I've had other socks that lost their elasticity after a few washes. I wear my Booms almost daily and they're just as snug as when I first got them.
But don't take my word for it, try it for yourself and if you don't like it, just email support to get your money back with no hassle. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how wonderful these are.
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Booms Socks LLC